Pathinettam Padi is a 2019 Malayalam language Action, Drama, Thriller movie directed by Shanker Ramakrishnan, while Shaji Nadesan, KG Anilkumar has produced the movie. The lead roles are played by Chandunadh, Ahaana Krishna, Akshay Radhakrishnan while the supporting cast includes Mammootty, Akshay Radhakrishnan, Ashwin Gopinath. The movie is released on 05 July 2019 across Kerala with 600 screens. Users can access to Pathinettam Padi 1st day Box Office Collection, Occupancy, Screen Count below in this article.
Pathinettam Padi 1st Day Box Office Collection
Proper publicity and movie promotions are the best way of gaining big openings. First-day collections impact the whole standard of the movie. Coming to this movie Pathinettam Padi the day 1 collection is quite usual and decent. The youth got attracted to the storyline and moved to the theatres.
- Worldwide collections on Day 1 – 13.00 L
- Kerala collections on Day 1 – 07.00 L
Pathinettam Padi 1st Day Screen Count
This movie is released worldwide on 400 screens and the majority are of Kerala state. Big stars like Mammootty created some good impact on the audience.
Pathinettam Padi Day 1 Occupancy
Generally, the occupancies on Day 1 will be good enough to the movies in which a lot of star cast included. The percentage of the occupancy in the theatres is given as follows.
- Morning – 40%
- Afternoon – 60%
- Evening – 70%
Pathinettam Padi Day 1 Box Office Collection
Kerala (L) | Worldwide (L) | |
1st Day | 20.00 | 25.00 |
Total Collection | 20.00 | 25.00 |