Mr. KK is a 2019 Telugu Drama movie directed by Rajesh M Selva whereas Kamal Haasan, T.Sridhar, T.Naresh Kumar has produced the movie. When we consider the Casting of this movie, the lead roles are played by Vikram, Akshara Haasan while the supporting roles are played by Abi Haasan. This Telugu movie is released on 19 July 2019 across India with 500 screens. In this post, we will cover the full details about Mr. KK 1st Day Box Office Collection, Occupancy, Screen Count.
Mr. KK 1st Day Box Office Collection
The opening collections play a crucial role in the success of the movie. The first day collections are to be good to get succeeded at the box office. The worldwide and the AP & TS wide collections are now listed below in this article.
- Worldwide Collections – 9 Cr
- AP & TS – 1.50 Cr
Mr. KK Day 1 Screen Count
The screen sharing of the movie is an important thing for gaining more collections. The total number of screens for the movie Mr.KK was estimated to be 800 in number. The majority part of the screens is available in AP & TS.
- Worldwide Screen count – 800 (Approx)
Mr. KK Day 1 Occupancy
Mr. KK on the first day at the theatres impressed the audience. The occupancies on the first day are high giving a positive report. The fans made their way to the theatres and made a glance. The occupancy rates of different sessions on the first day of the movie are listed below.
- Morning: 85%
- Afternoon: 80%
- Evening: 90%
Mr. KK Day 1 Box Office Collection
The Day 1 movie collections for the movie Mr. KK is given as follows
AP&TS(Cr) | Worldwide (Cr) | |
1st Day | 1.50 | 9.0 |
Total Collection | 1.50 | 9.0 |
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